Charlotte Hungerford’s Annual Campaign

Help us support the youth and families in our community.

The Center for Youth and Families can always be counted on when children and their families struggle with emotional, behavioral, developmental, and other difficulties.

We are committed to helping these families with innovative, proven resources, and for this reason we need your help to expand our resources with the addition of “Dani” and her trainer to our team.

Donate to the Annual Campaign

Donor Information

Billing Address(Required)

Additional Information (Optional)

If this gift is from a group or organization, please leave that information in the comments box. You may also leave any other information you’d like us to know about the gift in the comments.

Matching Gifts (Optional)

If your employer has a matching gift program and you’d like to match your gift to Hartford Hospital, please check the box below and provide your company name.
Gift Match?

Tribute Information (Optional)

Please provide us with the name of the individual whom the gift is in memory or honor of. Unless your gift is anonymous, we will notify the individual or next of kin of your donation (we do not disclose dollar amount).

Please note that PayPal and Electronic Checks are not currently available. We ask that you please use a credit card for payment.

Where We Work. Where We Live. Where We Give.

Join the Colleague Giving Campaign

We encourage staff across HHC to support the programs and services they care about most.

Colleague Giving Campaign